Friday, December 25, 2009

Alwi is addicted to tv. Yikes.


My baby nephew has officially gotten attached to the television. Mein gott we're screwed.

Alwi (the said baby nephew), has always been a very interactive baby. Interactive baby here as in he's very responsive when approached, very curious to his surroundings and responds readily to verbal suggestions. Sure he's a bit sluggish when it comes to physical movements (dulu he's a tad lazy when it comes to rolling over =.=") but hey! He's definitely wayy more active and amiable as compared to other babies I've seen. And not to mention he's inheritated the family trait; motivated when there is appropiate reward available. Bribery is oh-so-effective. Yeaa not exactly the kind of thing people usually cultivate in kids but its worked for the rest of us, so what-the-hey~! XD

Usually his days are filled with either his Mummy or his Nda Jan or any of the rest of the family, but since we are on holiday at the moment, everyones' either out shopping @ sightseeing and by the time we get home, we're too tired to play much with Alwi. Needless to say after a few minutes of ooh-aah with him, we usually put him down on his mat to play on his own. 

The neglected boy

Due to this, after a few days of boredom (VERY strong motivation in our family) he miraculously mastered the ability to roll over (good boy!) and the first thing he rolled over to is..the TV o__O Even if we move him to another spot he'll angle his head back to the tv. Especially when there's a hot chick. This theory was tested many times, rinse-and-repeat gitew. It is beyond doubt, he's hooked.


Balik Malaysia its back to watching the fan go round-n-round boy! Don't get used to it >\

P.S. : Shairil loves being here. But she loves being home more.

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