Thursday, March 25, 2010

Of moving out, and moving in again.

As I've mentioned before, this semester has been the most intense and nerve-wracking in all my years studying. Every single day is another day of submissions and deadlines and lecturer's breathing down your neck. Not exactly the most conducive environment to promote good health, oh well, alls in a day of a student =/


Nothing. And I mean NOTHING can beat the harum-scarum which I had gone through in the last 2 weeks. I swear, if I can survive this, i can survive ANYTHING.

For the past year or so, I have been renting a house in Shah Alam with 7 other gals. Yeaa my house in Damansara ain't that far from campus but when you have full and ever-changing schedule like yours truly, its pretty insane to commute every day. Needless to say, we are relatively happy with the house as its big enough to fit us all and small enough not to be expensive. 

As per usual with any lease, we were required to sign a one-year contract. Needless to say we were the epitome of good rentees; we paid our rents on time and keep the house in good condition. Likewise, the landlord was a cool indian dude and he was most attentive in all our complains with the house.

However, nothing lasts forever.

Things started to get shitty the moment our contract expired late last year. We began to be bombarded by various "interested parties", brought by this agent as the landlord wanted to sell the house. At first we were very gracious to entertain but after awhile it became rather annoying to be lazing around at home and suddenly finding strangers knocking on your door asking to see the house. I mean, yes we can accommodate if you had notified us earlier but noooo they just decided to pop in and assume that we would be in. Piss off!

Anyway, about 2 months ago we received news that the house was sold. Not suprisingly we were worried about our status as that would mean that we officially have no place to stay. But our landlord had called and said that we could stay on until the end of the semester. Hearing that, we all breathed a sigh of relief and decided to put the issue of house rental to after our finals and we were bogged down with too much work to do it now.

Boy, were we deceived.

Last Thursday, we got a call during lecture from the agent who found us our current house , telling us oh-so-delightfully that we have a month to basically, get out from the house as the new owner wants to renovate.


After an hour of yelling and cursing certain parties, we all decided that we need to just suck it up and deal with it. No use marah-marah the landlord or agent as its not going to get us a new house.

In lieu with this situation, we began our search to find a new place. Boy, I wish I never have to go through this again. We basically scoured ALL the housing areas in the near vicinity of campus. After all the houses I've been to, I can safely say I can be a real estate agent yang berjaya in Shah Alam. I can describe to you all the pros and cons of each house type. I've walked every row of the dratted Pusat Komersial in the freaking downpour just to be disappointed (apparently they used the agent system, stewpiak). Needless to say, after 3 days of "trekking", my mood was as sour as spoiled milk. 

But, thank goodness, we finally found a place in section 8. True, its small as compared to our old place but with a party of 5 people, its plenty wide enough. Plus the landlady is uber nice, she gave us like so many facilities (washer machine woot woot) and she repainted the walls so it doesnt look dingy as flats usually do.

As its the middle of the month and finances are rather tight, I opted not to use transport services (ie; lorry) and utilized Daddy dearest's isuzu trooper. Longgok semua atas kerete, senang cerita. 

After 3 days of packing and moving, FINALLY we're done. All thanks to Akmal, Pak Lah and Ayuni. Korang memang kawan sehidup semati (owh over!). Semoga persahabatan kita berkekalan ke hujung jalan.

In the meantime, I really really REALLY hope this will be the last time I will need to shift houses. Packing is uber pain =__=

P.S. : Shairil loves you, but Shairil does not want to move anymore.
P.S.: Nak gomol Alwi NOW. Puh-lease T---T

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