Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The things that happen in just a few blinks and unmonitered idle hours.

The things that happen in just a few blinks and unmonitered idle hours.

Pejam celik pejam celik, satu minggu dah berlalu.

Pejam celik pejam celik, one more round of buat muka toya dekat abang kat kedai Mister Kaya because my housemates (Fia and Ayuni) and I lepak berjam-jam guna wifi.

Pejam celik pejam celik, another tutorial di mana Puan Mina sidelined my group in regards of presenting our topic. Ma'ammm kami dah tak sanggup nak sakit jantung tiap-tiap minggu menunggu turn nak present. Please choose us next time around T--T

Pejam celik pejam celik, another week where I miss out on Alwi's random escapade's of "pancut-ting" at my mom during bathing time or any other time (even). Nakal yer Alwi. I fear the day if I ever get roped into changing his diaper @@" But putting the fear of baby boys and their inability to aim aside, I'm missing the lil tyke immensely. If not for the fact that my assignments and committments are piling up plus the risk of me carrying H1N1 virus balik rumah, I would be there 24/7 just watching the lil kiddo sleep the day away. Ahh..the life of leisure. (Jeles siot).

Maka, bila ada chance nak buli budak kechik tu, apa lagiiiiiiii~~ >D

Ini merupakan cubaan ketiga nak meng-'burp'kan Alwi. I swear dia nyer belahak boleh kalahkan orang tua. Kuat wo o_o"

Ini adalah muka seorang kanak-kanak yang sangat dimanjakan dan disayangi keluarga. Sampai tahap dia akan nanges if no one holds him. Sekali ada orang pegang dia, terus diam yerrr (drama king gitew). Semoga my sister produces another sibling for him, or not habesslaaaaaaa @@"

Putting ogling of small kids aside, this week has been relatively uneventful. Our law & philosophy test was interesting. never knew I could write 5 pages of answer script in an hour. Hopefully I did well in that or not I swear I'm gonna burn my philo notes (nama pun open book test, kalau tak dapat markah itu salah rujukan!)


I am currently at a crossroad in my life. There's so many things to consider before I could decide. All the options laid down in front of me have their respective pros and cons. Issues such as do I put myself first or do I take into account the welfare of others as well creeps into my mind at every moment. I am at a loss as to what I should do. Hopefully i get an inkling as to what I should choose soon as one moment lost, is a moment gone forever.

God, give me a sign.

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank" -- Woody Allen

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