Banyak kerja, tapi tak nak buat kerja. Slap me now.
A tribute to my family. YES, I am actually doing work those days i disappear from the crack of dawn (dawn la sgt, pukul 10 nyehe) to god knows what time (P.S: Ezan tolong bukak pintu XD) at night. Takpela, I bring u guys food from Williams', kira adil yek? =p
Fellow teamates hard at "work". Elelele we know better~ ^_-
This post is uber crap btw. I just feel wasting the lunch period plus anymore reading of convention/cases at the moment is going to make me hurl =_='
Rest for 15 minutes and then restart. Expecting the rest of the team back soon anyways.
tribute? mane? ke ur talking about a different family? o_O