Saturday, June 5, 2010

Of having a rockstar for a nephew.

I have to admit. The kid's got style.

For those who do not know, I'm referring to my nephew, Alwi. Yes, that drama-king.
I mean, he's barely 10 months old and he has like what, 7 people wrapped around his little finger on a regular basis without even breaking a sweat. Boy I would kill  to have such manipulation skills. God knows how handy that skill would be in winning arguments or moots =__="

 Alwi loves  phones, especially BB but for the love of all things holy, he will  not hold it himself -.-"
Would you lookit him dictate his grandmaw, aiyoyo!

Hmm..I do think I'm getting ahead of myself. Today's theme would be the RAWKSTAR  of the family, Alwi. I kid you not. He has good looks (yes I'm a bias auntie), knows what he wants AND he knows how to get it everytime. Diva alert?

Believe me, the things he would do to get us to pick him up or do something he does not want to do is fantastic. From tantrums to howls to some pretty awesome back-arching move of his. He's so flexible that its scary at times to watch o_o" 

 The lil celebrity refusing to tak-tih 
Sampai bila tak nak jalan Alwi, jenuh kami nak dukung =(
Alwi also is quite a picky eater apparently. In his younger days (tua sangatlah kan budak tu sekarang), he used to just eat everything we put in front of him that we thought we were blessed to have such a good and easy baby. 

Boy were we proved wrong. 

Only recently did we find out that Alwi is a bit unmotivated when it comes to eating slightly chewy food. Wait, let me rephrase that. Alwi just doesn't like to chew. PERIOD. 
My sis, HamsterHamsap, is at her wit's end trying to coax Alwi to start taking rice porridge or maybe even boiled chicken as she says its about time he does. But oh-no-sirree, the rockstar does not like to chew hence everytime my sister gives him something texturey (rice etc), he will promptly make this "oh why do you torture me with this?!?!" expression before promptly spitting out the aforementioned food. Very de drama-king. I myself am torn between feeling exasperated or feeling damn proud to have such an amusing kid as a nephew.

Illusion : Grandpaw's lil helper
Reality : Grandpaw's lil mess-maker
3 guesses as to who had to clean his mess afterwards =_="

Alwi is generally a happy baby. Very happy baby. But only when any one of us is around. Other times he's quite a somber lil kiddo when left alone. I guess that's the reason why we tend to tote him all round the house just to keep him occupied. Which is good as its kind of sad to see him playing all by himself whenever both Mummy and Daddy are out working oncall shifts at the hospital and the rest of the family are occupied with their own work. Sometimes its quite heartbreaking to see how excited he gets whenever any of us come back from work as he would literally be crawling at top speed to get at us. If he could jump, I do think he would have jump-tackled us.  

Bosan sangat duduk rumah main dengan bibik aja ek Alwi?

However as both his parents are doctors working in the country's busiest hospital, like it or not Alwi will have to get used to spending his days mostly chilling with Grandpaw + Grandmaw or hanging out with his two insane aunties. A bit de unorthodox, but oh well takpe, nanti sampai bila-bila he'll always be the favourite grandson and nephew = amount duit raya paling banyak beb 8) (lucky kid T---T)

 Gambar yang sangat amat ter-expose but I like it as he's actually standing!

 I am actually missing the lil tyke as currently he's away in Kuching for some relative's wedding. Didnt really get a chance to see him all thoroughout the week (with work and moot and all) so I really wanted to lepaks with him during the weekend. So you could just imagine my disappointment when I found out that my sister and her whole family had left for Kuching for the whole weekend. Oh woe! T--T

Along, cepatlah balik. 

(Hence the reason for this post)

"Sayalah duta baru Chewy walaupun hakikatnya saya tidak suka chew!"

P.S:  Shairil loves  the fact that her nephew is an even bigger drama-king than she is <3

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